Monday, October 31, 2011

New Arrival - Retro Shimmer Dress (D00034) & Matching Legging (GB00014)

Retro Shimmer Dress
S$ 24.90

Code: D00034
5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13

Matching Legging
S$ 10.90

Code: GB00014

1 comment:

  1. REMY and " SS".
    RICK and UTAH.
    Two " flunkies" who wanted " kid- fucks"..
    SCHAR 169 is a deer along with CHENEY and DISNEY so you can forget about that " macho" " SS",....and from both of them.
    WATT is tying TEXAS to HEINTZ with MATER and PATER is doing the same.
    HURE gave logbooks a long time ago on the AEGEAN and that totally
    " fucked" DEDOONV and MP3....with DRAGON BALL.
    And all about , EQUESSE, and it has to do with ESSO and LESEM.
    ONTARIO has their KILLA COLES and AMERICA has their KILLA HILLA known as WHINNYHILL ....and BILL CLINTON with , again, that little black dress.
